Original Content
Smith Media Solutions is trusted by corporations and governmental organizations to create engaging content that builds authentic relationships with viewers. Exclusive copyrighted music, graphics, and design make your organization stand out while protecting you from copyright infringement.

What People Say
Ron Cust
CAO Ryley, Alberta
Paul’s communications work combined with media content has helped the Village of Ryley Council and Administration come through a major communications crisis and helped the Village rebuild its morale and sense of community for residents.
We are pleased that he is now training staff his efficient methodology and highly recommend using his crisis management strategies.
Susan Berry,
Roseridge Waste Management Manager
The film making capabilities of Smith Media Solutions has transformed our brand by capturing the care and attention that goes into our landfill operation.
Paul was professional and respectful as he patiently captured the essence of our operation in high quality video that we are proud to post and share.
Doug Kinsella
CEO Impulse Downhole Tools
Paul Smith invested the time to understand the message our managment group wanted sent to the industry. He then created vibrant media content to ensure our message was understood by the viewer.
Paul’s enthusiasm while shooting video was infectious as he interacted with all levels of our staff. The final content from our project exceeded our expectations.
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